category: videos

D6.3.1 Final Evaluation Report is a public deliverable describing the evaluation of the principal results of the project.
It can be downloaded here.
Key results of the project are:
-       Dramatic improvements in the two prime metrics proposed for evaluation of the metadatabase: 70% improvement in storage efficiency, and potentially 50% increase in productivity rate (Section 3.1.2)
-       The [...]

D6.1.3 Semantic Tools and Ontologies Documentation is a public deliverable that specifies the documentation for the semantic tools and ontologies developed during the iMP Project. It can be downloaded from the link below:

category: documents

The iMP project continues to publish novel academic research related to the project, in the fields of semantics, audio and visual production, and user interfaces. Listed below are a selection of publications from the second half of 2010:
Alun Evans, Javi Agenjo, Eduard Gonzales, Sergi Gonzales, Marcelo Dematei, Josep Blat. Thinking about 3D – Design constraints [...]

The paper “Understanding Linked Open Data as a Web-Scale Database” has been accepted for publication at the Second International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications. Co-author Dr. Michael Hausenblas, NUIG, notes that this is an important contribution to the work carried out in WP3 and WP5.

category: documents

iMP Project Poster

The W3C Media Fragments Working Group has published the first public working draft of the Media Fragments URI 1.0 syntax and semantics. Dr. Michael Hausenblas from iMP member NUIG has contributed to the draft, which feeds into the overall iMP metadata architecture.

category: documents

Universitat Pompeu Fabra will organize an interim workshop on “Extended use of metadata in production and distribution of audiovisual media”. The purpose of the workshop is to provide a common ground for researchers and professionals to exchange research results and ideas about the theory and practice of production and distribution of audiovisual media, especially related [...]

category: links

Conference: Blender conference in Amsterdam, 23-25 October
What happened: Clam developers Pau Arumí­ and Natanel Olaiz recently presented some new work in the fantastic Blender conference in Amsterdam. The talk was about a technology developed at BarcelonaMedia within the iMP and 20203D-Media european projects, involving an innovative usage of Blender for 3D audio using CLAM [...]

category: documents

Presented as a poster at ACM Advanced in Computerised Entertainment Technology 2009 (ACE2009), Athens, Greece.
iMP ACE Poster

Researcher from four different institutions, including Dr. Michael Hausenblas (from iMP partner NUIG) presented the paper “Interlinking Multimedia: How to Apply Linked Data Principles to Multimedia Fragments” at the Linked Data on the Web workshop (LDOW2009) during WWW09 and received very good feedback. The research carried out contributes to the media meta-database design of iMP [...]