category: news

On June the 30th 2011, the iMP project came to a close and the final deliverables were published. The project has done exceptionally well in meeting (and, in several cases, exceeding) the requirements of the original project plan.
Key results of the project include:
-       Creation of a metadatabase storage server for post-production workflow, [...]

category: news, work package 4

iMP presents two novel works on audio processing, work carried out by Barcelona Media:
G. Cengarle, T. Mateos, D. Bonsi, A second order Ambisonic device using velocity transducers Accepted for publication as a regular paper in the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society.
Abstract: The relation between sound pressure gradient and air particle velocity is exploited to [...]

category: events, work package 7

As part of a collaboration with joint FP7 project 20203Dmedia (in which iMP partners Datasat Digital and Barcelona Media are also taking part), iMP had a presence at this years Dimension-3 trade show, in Paris, France, May 2011. Both Barcelona Media and Datasat presented iMP results to attendees of the tradeshow, such as notable producers [...]

category: events, work package 7

As part of iMP dissemination efforts in the final 6 months of the project, iMP had an important presence at the Expo Cine Telemundo,  2011, Mexico. This event is an important annual trade show in Mexico City and took place from the 14th-17th of June.  Apart from showing the latest FilmLight product developments as previously [...]

category: events, news, work package 7

In the full HD cinema Splau in Barcelona, partners of the IMP project met on
Wednesday 11th May for an IMP 7th Framework dissemination activity related to the
satellite distribution system developed by Datasat Digital, within the framework of the
Producers, directors and cinema operators were given a demonstration of the
transmission capabilities of the system.
A short movie file [...]

category: news, work package 7

Partners and attendees stressed that the structure of the debates, promoted by UPF, helped to generate fascinating discussion about the characteristics of the post-production industry, and the challenges of improving it via the use of intelligent metadata.
For one day, Universitat Pompeu Fabra became the ideal place to talk about metadata and the future of [...]

category: events, news, work package 7

The European FP7 Project iMP presents a one-day workshop on:
The Death of Linear Post-production
How intelligent metadata handling is changing the world of film

Wed 30th June 2010 10am

Room 309, Edifici Tanger, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain.
Directions: Calle Tanger 122-140, 08018 Barcelona. Map.
Registration: Please contact
Keynote speaker: Wolfgang Lempp (Filmlight)
Winner of four academy awards this year.
Abstract: [...]

category: events
category: news

FilmLight team to receive Scientific and Technical Awards at 82nd Annual Academy Awards.
Read about all academy winners

category: news

Author: John Usher, Audio Group, Barcelona Media – Innovation Centre.
Journal: Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Abstract: Determining the onset time of reflections in an acoustic impulse response (IR) has ap-plications for both subjective and physical acoustics problems. Although computationally simple, a first-order energetic analysis of the IR can lead to false-positive identification of reflections. [...]

category: news

The 3rd Technical Meeting will be held at DTS Europe Ltd, Twyford, UK. 19 to 21 January 2010.  This meeting will consolidate the first year’s work of the project.

category: events

The partners of the European project IMP (Intelligent Processing and Metadata-driven distribution of audiovisual media), coordinated by Barcelona Media, have held the second technical meeting on 2nd and 3rd September, at the the University of Galway, Ireland.
The project, which began in January and lasts 30 months, is formed up by the following members: Europese FilmLight [...]

category: events

The partners of the European project iMP (Intelligent Metadata-driven Processing audiovisual and distribution of media), coordinated by Barcelona Media, celebrated on March, 25th and 26th, the second technical meeting, in the Apuntalapospo’s and Barcelona Media’s headquarters, respectively.
iMP wants to create architecture, work flow and applications for the processing and distribution based on metadatum of digital [...]

category: events

Barcelona Media celebrates, on 15th and 16th January, at its headquarters, in the Imagina building, the kick-off meeting of the European project iMP (Intelligent Metadata-driven Processing and distribution of audiovisual media).
The project is 30 months long and it is coordinated by Barcelona Media, with the collaboration of four more partners: Filmlight Ltd and DTS Europe Ltd, UK; National [...]