category: Uncategorized

The iMP Second Year Review is currently underway at ApuntoLapospo, Barcelona. The review is focused around showing as many live demonstrations as possible, given that the the project is now entering it’s final six months.

category: Uncategorized

iMP had a strong presence at the 7th european conference on visual media production, in November 2010. As well as academic publications, Wolfgang Lempp from Filmlight gave a keynote speech in which he talked about “A filesystem metadatabase for image servers”.
You can download the slides of the presentation here: CVMP FL.

category: documents

The iMP project continues to publish novel academic research related to the project, in the fields of semantics, audio and visual production, and user interfaces. Listed below are a selection of publications from the second half of 2010:
Alun Evans, Javi Agenjo, Eduard Gonzales, Sergi Gonzales, Marcelo Dematei, Josep Blat. Thinking about 3D – Design constraints [...]

category: news, work package 7

Partners and attendees stressed that the structure of the debates, promoted by UPF, helped to generate fascinating discussion about the characteristics of the post-production industry, and the challenges of improving it via the use of intelligent metadata.
For one day, Universitat Pompeu Fabra became the ideal place to talk about metadata and the future of [...]

category: events, news, work package 7

The European FP7 Project iMP presents a one-day workshop on:
The Death of Linear Post-production
How intelligent metadata handling is changing the world of film

Wed 30th June 2010 10am

Room 309, Edifici Tanger, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain.
Directions: Calle Tanger 122-140, 08018 Barcelona. Map.
Registration: Please contact
Keynote speaker: Wolfgang Lempp (Filmlight)
Winner of four academy awards this year.
Abstract: [...]

category: work package 4

This document describes the novel audible applications developed during the first 12 months of the project, and discusses how they integrate in the general iMP architecture and philosophy. The document is divided in three parts.
The first part describes the novel post-production tools for 3D soundtracks that make use of the metadatabase. This prototype allows [...]

category: work package 5

Metadata is data about data.  In the field of digital cinema, it includes all data in related computer files other than that directly encoding the video and audio signals.  Some metadata is essential for playback (e.g., X & Y resolution, bits per sample, sampling rate, and coding method) while other metadata has other uses (e.g. [...]

category: work package 3

This document is the accompanying report for the first version of the iMP ontology, available at – it explains its structure and the methodology used. We note that the ontology is a live document, intended and expected to evolve over the time, based on input by the partners and as we gain deeper knowledge [...]

category: work package 3

This document is the report for the containing libraries which implement procedures based on the ontologies, the related documentation, and the proposals for any standards and data formats that may be shared with the distribution and postproduction community.
Four metadata languages are described: RDF, RDFS, OWL and SPARQL. For each one of them the report will [...]