Kick-off meeting at Barcelona Media
Categories: events

Barcelona Media celebrates, on 15th and 16th January, at its headquarters, in the Imagina building, the kick-off meeting of the European project iMP (Intelligent Metadata-driven Processing and distribution of audiovisual media).

The project is 30 months long and it is coordinated by Barcelona Media, with the collaboration of four more partners: Filmlight Ltd and DTS Europe Ltd, UK; National University of Ireland, Galway (DERI – Digital Enterprise Research Institute), Ireland, and Apuntolapospo, Spain.

The technical coordinator of the project is Josep Blat, professor of Computational Sciences at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and Scientific Director of the BM Graphics research line.


iMP will create architecture, workflow and applications for intelligent metadata-driven processing and distribution of digital movies and entertainment. The goal is to enable a ‘Virtual Film Factory’ in which creative professionals can work together to create and customise programmes from Petabyte-scale digital repositories, using semantic technologies to organise data and drive its processing.

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