Satellite distribution demo at Splau Cinemas
Categories: events, news, work package 7

In the full HD cinema Splau in Barcelona, partners of the IMP project met on
Wednesday 11th May for an IMP 7th Framework dissemination activity related to the
satellite distribution system developed by Datasat Digital, within the framework of the
Producers, directors and cinema operators were given a demonstration of the
transmission capabilities of the system.
A short movie file was send by satellite from the UK and received by the server
installed in the Splau Cinema. The one minute movie file (2K resolution) was
transferred in 15 minutes using only 1/5 of the capabilities of the satellite. The movie
file was then projected in the cinema.
A fruitful dialogue took place after the demo, in which the attendees explained some of
the needs of the industry and the partners clarified how the system will respond to them.
iMP partners detailed the future capabilities and the potential of using a satellite
distribution system – a great advantage of which is the possibility to transfer the same
movie file for different countries (with different subtitle files), thus distributing to an
entire continent in a few short minutes.

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