iMP » post-production IMP PROJECT WEBSITE Thu, 04 Aug 2011 16:23:03 +0000 en hourly 1 iMP Workshop June 30th Tue, 18 May 2010 13:42:41 +0000 editor
The European FP7 Project iMP presents a one-day workshop on:

The Death of Linear Post-production

How intelligent metadata handling is changing the world of film

Wed 30th June 2010 10am

Room 309, Edifici Tanger, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain.

Directions: Calle Tanger 122-140, 08018 Barcelona. Map.

Registration: Please contact

Keynote speaker: Wolfgang Lempp (Filmlight)
Winner of four academy awards this year.

Abstract: As film-based post-production gives way to digital, the production and post-production industries now face a potentially more interesting and challenging issue: have we finally reached the limits of the traditional, linear, model of information flow? Digital media has several well-known benefits, primarily related to ease of use, replication and storage. However, it is possible that the biggest benefit is only now beginning to be used in anger: the presence of metadata. In a traditional, linear workflow (whether in audiovisual post-production, or with any digital data), if a file is altered it is usually saved under a different name and in a different location. Thus, the next step in a typical pipeline cannot be started before the previous step has finished. This leads to natural bottlenecks in the flow of data, which may lead to frustrating (and costly) delays. To combat this, the post-production industry is now looking at a more cyclical workflow, which makes heavy use of metadata to track the flow and modification of data files. One project that is furthering the state-of-the-art in this field is iMP, an FP7 EC-funded collaborative research project.

In order to promote discussions of these ideas within the community, iMP is hosting a one day workshop and series of panel sessions, with speakers and panel invited from within and outside the project. The goal of the workshop is discuss and debate the challenges facing the audiovisual production and post-production industries, particularly regarding the flow of data and use of metadata. The workshop is open to any interested parties.


10.00: Arrival

10.15: Introduction and welcome

10.30: Keynote: Using Metadata to improve the cyclical post-production workflow (Wolfgang Lempp, Filmlight)

11.30: Coffee Break and informal discussion

11.50: Panel Session: Semantics and Metadata in Post-production (Chair: Michael Hausenblas, DERI)

13.00: Lunch, demos

14.00: Presentations: The fall and rise of stereo 3D (Santi Fort, Barcelona Media; Toni Mateos, Barcelona Media)

15.00: Panel Session: The Future of Post-Production workflow (Chair: Alun Evans, UPF)

16.00: Closing session

16.15: 3D Audio Demo (Transfer to Barcelona Media audio lab)

17.30+: Workshop end.

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